Thursday, October 27, 2016

What a treat this was!!!  This brand new stretching studio is perfect!  It is assisted stretching - which is like a cross between yoga and a massage, but not quite.  Assisted by a trained professional - your muscles are stretched ever so gently, but oh so good!  My gluten and hips are SUPER TIGHT so we focused primarily on those muscle groups today!  Best part - first session is FREE!  My legs felt like jello after but in an awesome way!  I made more appointments for the following week to continue my journey for health!  Yes, a little more on the expensive side however I'd rather pay now to keep myself limber, than to be limping when I'm older cause I did not take preventative measures!! 

Speaking of preventative measures ~ have we discussed what you can do to obtain YOUR optimal health?  I am fortunate that my friend Peter introduced me to a company that I am now a Certified Coach for!  It's amazing - the ability to blend my passion and knowledge with it.  So far, 18 people have signed up for me to help them too.  Sorry, I won't give away my secrets on line, you'll have to text or email me!!
Much love to you all ~ make today a healthy one!

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