Saturday, October 29, 2016

This is a fun, goofy picture of my Dad.  We lost him two weeks on October 14th.  Today I am having a real hard time with his passing.  Weird that I can't call him - or see him.  He has been on my mind all day.  He was the life of the party.  He knew everyone around him....EVERYWHERE.  It didn't matter who I spoke to - it seems that my father had touched their lives in one way or another.  He lived his life the way he wanted to.  He made sure he was always having a good time.  I find myself like him in a lot of ways.  I tell inappropriate jokes or make comments at the wrong time - especially when a situation is very serious.  It must be a defense mechanism I got from him.  
Driving I can hear his voice trying to cheer me up.  He called me Jo and never liked me to be upset.  I won't say that his passing is a surprise.  He was sick but with ailments that could be managed.  His health was declining, I knew that.  I really thought I would have more time with him.  I won't say go out and hug your dad, parents, husband or kids like most people.  I will say to you that life is lived once.  You are the deciding factor on how you will live and most of the time, you determine how healthy you will be.  Maybe you're not ready to be healthy.  I will never understand why so please you don't have to explain yourself.  I know I will always choose health over illness.  Whatever preventative measures I can take now to be a healthier older adult, I will do.  I have too many things to do and see to have any illness hold me back.
 It is your choice too.  What will you do with it?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that, although it made me cry, I understand how you're feeling. My brother passed away in May, unexpectedly and it is still very surreal. Some days are harder than others. I always do my best to make the better choices for my health and well-being, I just wish he did, as well.
