Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Tuesday morning spin class is always so motivating to me.  It's at 515 AM!  The people that come are just simply awesome.  They are more talkative at that time than my 9am peeps - and work SO HARD!  This class was a little different today as a friend walked in and said she couldn't stay because she forgot her spin shoes (and had UGGS on) worries because within seconds my spin shoes were off and I was handing them to her!  Who wants to wake up at the crack of dawn only to have that happen?  So I taught class in my fuzzy black slippers (with the hard plastic bottom purposely for my commute to my early classes).  Amanda got her workout in and per usual, worked her butt off.  
But I do have to mention my fave part of class this morning was wearing my happy Joshua tank top!  A friend has an amazing dog photography business and she is world renowned!  Her ability to pick the right spot, with the best lighting and capture dogs of all shapes and sizes is just unbelievable!  You can see her work on her website  Who doesn't love a lovable Pit Bull??  

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