Monday, October 24, 2016

Ahhhhh Monday.  You always sneak up on everyone.  I look at Monday like a new start.  You can un-do the weekends indulging and start fresh.  My day begins - after dropping the kids off - at Spin.  Teaching a 9am class to kick off my week is just what the doctor ordered!  This monday, I was a little easy on my class.  It's my first ride back in the saddle for over two weeks and thankfully, I didn't do half as bad as I had expected!   If you think taking a spin class is difficult, try coordinating and teaching one!  I absolutely was winded ~ and thats ok.  I know I will get better with each class I teach.  Starting something over is OK - trying again until you reach YOUR potential is OK.  We all sometimes avoid activities or things that we are not good at.  WHY?  We all do it.  Fear of failure?  But it's ok to fail because without failure we would not appreciate success.   

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