Friday, November 18, 2016

When you said you would think about it...what was holding you back?  What about "starting after Thanksgiving"?  
The solution to controlling your weight is right in front of you.  Why aren't you reaching out and grabbing it?  Stop for a moment and clear your head.  Deep breath.  Now listen "YOU CAN DO THIS"
There is no "it won't work" this is about once and for all finishing what you started years ago.  It's about being all done buying that size you swore you would never be in.  DONE.  FINISHED. 
The best years of your life should not be spent being miserable about yourself.  You know where you are, why you are there and understand you control your happiness.  If you could buy this package for someone else, who would you buy it for?  Why not yourself?  We are too giving.  Its time to concentrate on your Optimal Health!  Realize that if you don't take care of your body now, you will regret it in the year to come.  
Come be a part of #teamfitfabulous.  Understand the support that you have goes far beyond this area.  I will HELP YOU.  I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!

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