Sunday, November 13, 2016

We all have to make the decision to TRY anything.  Making the decision is sometimes, half the battle.  Change is a lot for some people.  Some are able to dive right in regardless of the circumstances, others have to sit back and wait to see other peoples success.  
 The biggest excuse I'm receiving from people is their FEAR OF FAILURE.  No one wants to fail at anything.  I get it.  
What's the difference with me and the program?  
First and foremost, it's easy to follow.  It has instant gratification with weight loss (something that we all love to see).  I am your coach through the whole process.  We talk a minimum of once a week.  I offer support, advice and ideas on how to continue on your path to optimal health.  After you obtain your weight loss goal, we will transition you to maintenance where you will keep your weight off while adding back in everything we took out.  You'll learn to balance and keep the pounds off. 
Be ready for this life style change.  What you eat to maintain a larger figure is not what you will be able to eat to on a thinner you.  YOU CAN DO THIS.  I know you can. 
The first step is making the decision to achieve your optimal health.  Who would want to be anything but healthy?

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