Sunday, November 20, 2016


The picture on the left is from September 5th ~
The picture on the right is today, November 20th

AMAZING isn't it????

September 6th I started my journey to optimal health.  I was appalled at what I looked AND felt like!  The weight came on slowly and it's a few pounds there and a few pounds there.  I KNEW I would lose the weight once I found the right program for me.  I KNOW A MILLION WAYS and have helped people for YEARS, it just didn't work for me anymore.  HOLY CRAP did I find my calling!  
Seriously just a couple of months later and my transformation makes me FEEL so good!  I am healthier - have more confidence!!  The best part???  I have the ability and experience to help YOU achieve YOUR optimal health!!  This program has helped so many people around us and NOW IT'S YOUR TURN!!!  
I can help you.  I really can.  It's easy to follow and it works. 
80% diet and 20% exercise. 
Let's begin the new year with a new you.  Call or message me.  You'll be so happy you did. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

When you said you would think about it...what was holding you back?  What about "starting after Thanksgiving"?  
The solution to controlling your weight is right in front of you.  Why aren't you reaching out and grabbing it?  Stop for a moment and clear your head.  Deep breath.  Now listen "YOU CAN DO THIS"
There is no "it won't work" this is about once and for all finishing what you started years ago.  It's about being all done buying that size you swore you would never be in.  DONE.  FINISHED. 
The best years of your life should not be spent being miserable about yourself.  You know where you are, why you are there and understand you control your happiness.  If you could buy this package for someone else, who would you buy it for?  Why not yourself?  We are too giving.  Its time to concentrate on your Optimal Health!  Realize that if you don't take care of your body now, you will regret it in the year to come.  
Come be a part of #teamfitfabulous.  Understand the support that you have goes far beyond this area.  I will HELP YOU.  I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

We all have to make the decision to TRY anything.  Making the decision is sometimes, half the battle.  Change is a lot for some people.  Some are able to dive right in regardless of the circumstances, others have to sit back and wait to see other peoples success.  
 The biggest excuse I'm receiving from people is their FEAR OF FAILURE.  No one wants to fail at anything.  I get it.  
What's the difference with me and the program?  
First and foremost, it's easy to follow.  It has instant gratification with weight loss (something that we all love to see).  I am your coach through the whole process.  We talk a minimum of once a week.  I offer support, advice and ideas on how to continue on your path to optimal health.  After you obtain your weight loss goal, we will transition you to maintenance where you will keep your weight off while adding back in everything we took out.  You'll learn to balance and keep the pounds off. 
Be ready for this life style change.  What you eat to maintain a larger figure is not what you will be able to eat to on a thinner you.  YOU CAN DO THIS.  I know you can. 
The first step is making the decision to achieve your optimal health.  Who would want to be anything but healthy?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

You just have to remain strong.....

I already knew that about woman in general.  Having gone thru some major crisis in my life, I certainly have remained top of my game.  I had no choice.  My 4 girls are looking up to me to gage my reaction to situations so they know how to react as well.  I cry when I needed, laugh a lot at most situations and am strong.  That does not mean that I am a bitch.  I am a bitch at times - as most of us are - when we need to be.  The times when we have a choice on how to be, I choose to be happy.  It takes the same amount of effort to remain miserable than it is to find the bright side.