Tuesday, December 4, 2018

There comes a time in your life when you have to step away from something you love to fix a part of your life that no longer serves you. You make a conscious decision, after months of deliberations, and then you make the finally move.
I'm sure it is no news to you that I was no longer willing to sacrifice my happiness for what society portrays a family. I was unhappy in my relationship and really needed the time to self reflect on what it is that would make me happy. The goal of my life. What I would be willing to sacrifice for the sake of inner peace.
In early summer, I told my now ex-husband I was leaving him. We discussed everything from what, when, where and how. The split was amicable. In August we told the kids, put the house on the market and started the procedure of divorce. We were granted a divorce on September 18th and sold our house on October 14th. Things have progressed quickly.
I purchased a house on Franklin Street in Reading to stay in the town I love, and be in the neighborhood my children are accustomed to. Matt purchased a home in North Reading.  For now the girls and I will be renting a house in Stoneham until construction is complete.  

The children are heart broken of course. The oldest two are taking it the hardest. My children come first in my life so I am doing the best I can to help them adapt to their new life situation.
As for me and how I am feeling, this is one of the best things I have ever done. The feeling of a heavy blanket lifted from my chest. The ability to really really laugh and smile and be honest with it.
Life has changed for me! I have to say that my mom taught me to be a strong person and to tell it like it is. Those mini-lessons through my life enabled me to be strong enough to say this no longer works for me. To say I am blessed for my strength would be an understatement.
I love you all and I'm so very thankful each of you are in my life!!!!
Your Fit Fab coach ~ Jodi ðŸ˜‰ðŸ’ª

1 comment:

  1. Your happiness is your strength - your determination and inner worth is what matters in the end. To be happy is to live life and we should all live life... MUUUAH
