Friday, July 14, 2017

New Fall Class!

I can't believe it!!!
Super stoked!  It's VERY NEW and all the details have yet to be worked out; however....
My FAVORITE muscle/dancing class is back 
We had so much fun in this class!!!  The one class a week we LAUGHED and SMILED the entire time!  Soaked with sweat ~ 
peeing a little (hey we all have kids). 
More details to follow about this and some other muscle conditioning classes!!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

My NEW bio!! Tell me what you think!!!

Life has certainly been busy with a to-do list a mile long and trying to fulfill the needs of my family has been rough!  I'm starting a new awesome spin studio this week and had to write a bio.  Tell me what you think!!!

Jodi’s Bio

Jodi’s spirited spin class is both energizing and inspiring!  Her confidence shines on that stage where her bold and fiesty personality motivates you to be brave and try new moves!  Supportive and determined, the ride allows you to not think of the outside world for the 45 minutes!  Thoughtful in her approach to motivate each member to their next level, the ride is intended to vary your heart rate (strong hearts and strong minds)!  Previously a bartender in the Boston night club scene, she knows the music that motivates and the music that clears a dance floor!
Out of the saddle, this powerhouse is raising 4 sassy girls, loves her husband, adores her 3 dogs and 2 cats, who all provide her with the material she uses to be hilarious.  In the fitness industry for over 20 years, she holds certifications in AFAA, Maddogg spin, Personal Training, Pilates, Drums Alive, CPR/AED ~ she is also a licensed Realtor since 1990 holding the professional designations as a Certified Buyer Representative (CBR) and Graduate Realtor Institute (GRI).  Jodi holds a Bachelors Degree in Finance from Northeastern University as well. 
Jodi just began another new adventure as a Certified Health Coach from Villanova University that helps others utilize a program to obtain their optimal health.  
Whew, now that’s a lot!  It’s definitely not a class you will be bored in!