Monday, December 19, 2016


The stress of the holidays takes a toll on your body.  Everyone experiences it.  The emotional aspect of living up to the  unrealistic expectation of creating the Pottery Barn image (I would have written Norman Rockwell, but times have changed).  Did you know it's ok to say "no"?  It's ok if you don't have your house perfect or the gifts wrapped just right ~ that's the image you created.  It's ok to NOT be perfect.  
Christmas - Hannukah and everything in-between are meant to be holidays spent with our families.  Not rushing around to please everyone with extravagant gifts!  When you arrive at your destination, or people show up at your house, do you discuss how it's "too busy to get everything done"?  Did you ever sit back and thought if you didn't do everything, what would happen? 
Well, I can tell you what would happen.  The sun would still rise and set.  Babies would still be born and people would still die.  
So stop with the ridiculous driving ~ the hurriedness of HAVING to do anything.  Stop, use other senses to remember the season.  Embrace the chaos, watch children reactions to lights, the music and seeing Santa.   Stop and "smell the roses".  
Some day this will be someone else's memory.  Do you want to be the one remembered as enjoying the moment or the one that was too busy to see anything but their list?  The choice is yours.  
And you know what else, your body reflects it.  Stop the stress, eat healthy and get some exercise.  Find a balance that works for you.  Remember we want wellness and not to fight illness.  Start now with de-stressing.  I know you can do it if you tried.